
I am Kishan


Hello! I’m Kishan, a programmer born and raised in Madurai, India. I have completed my bachelor's degree in 'Information Technology' in 2021. I try to grab any opportunity I can to develop myself and enhance my abilities. I love to learn about new technologies. One thing about me that is important to know, though, is that at first I come off as a very shy, individualistic guy, but once I get to know people and they are comfortable with my environment, I am great. I love web technologies and always try to build something new.

Senior Engineer

I've completed my bachelor's degree (B.Tech) in IT at VCET, Madurai and I'm currently working as a Senior Engineer at Presidio.

  • Degree: Bachelor of Technology in IT
  • Job: Senior Engineer
  • Organization: Presidio

My interests are in Web App Development, Data Science, Cricket, Space, Pencil Drawing, Coin Collection, etc. I love watching movies and I'm a big fan of the MCU

Movie Recommendation System

An application that recommends movies similar to the movie user likes, uses TMDB API to fetch details of the movie,uses web scrapping to get the reviews from the IMDB site, and analyse the sentiments on the user reviews.

Live Demo Source Code

Hospital Management System

The software that covers all the aspects of management and operation of hospital.

Source Code

Order My Food

A simple online food ordering application developed using MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, NodeJS) with jwt authentication enabled and password encrypted.

Source Code

Track Covid-19

A simple web app to track the infected, recovered and deaths caused by Coronavirus across all over the world using Angular, ng-charts, chartJS and Material UI.

Live Demo Source Code


  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • Arts
  • Designs
  • Featured
  • Articles

Bad Guy - Pencil Sketch

Mad Scientist - Pencil Sketch

Couple - Pencil Sketch

Above & Beyond - Q1 2024

HackTheFuture 2023 - Second runner-up

HackTheFuture 2022 - Winner

Spot Award (August 2022) - Presidio

Spot Award (February & March 2021) - Presidio

Secured 2nd in HSC (School level)

Got 100% in Science and Social Science (SSLC)

Santa Claus - Pencil Sketch

Generative AI for Everyone - Certificate (Coursera)

TensorFlow Developer - Specialization (Coursera)

Glassmorphism Portfolio using Figma

Financify - A Financial Dashboard using Figma

Looney Tunes - Pencil Sketch

Machine Learning - Certificate (Coursera)

Anime Girl - Pencil Sketch

Avengers Assemble! - Pencil Sketch

SQL Fundamentals - Certificate

How to handle missing values with Python? - Article



Bachelor's of Technology in Information Technology

2017 - 2021

Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, India

Completed my B.Tech (IT) degree with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 8.5

Middle & High School

2011 - 2017

Thiagarajar Model Higher Secondary School, Madurai, India

Completed my SSLC & HSC with a percentage of 95.25% and 96.40%, respectively.

Languages and Technologies

Programming Languages

JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, C, TypeScript

Frameworks & Libraries

NestJS, Protractor (E2E Automation), Angular, Flask, Django, Express.js, Node.js, Laravel, React.js, Sequelize.js, Serverless(Node.js), Spring Boot, jQuery, Pandas, scikit-learn, Ping Identity products such as PingFederate, PingDirectory, PingOne.

Web Design



MySQL, MongoDB

Version Control


AWS Services

Lambda, Chime, CloudFront, API Gateway, Amplify, EC2, S3, RDS



1. Second runner-up of HackTheFuture 2023 with ProposalWiz, simplifying RFP drafting using Generative AI, showcasing resilience against 65+ teams globally.

2. Winner of HackTheFuture2022 with Diddohub, an innovative educational platform.

3. One of the Top 10 teams in AI/ML Hackathon conducted by HCL and GUVI, where more than 2100 teams (5100 students) from 64 colleges have participated in the event.

Medium Article

Published an article on ‘How to handle missing values in Python?’ - https://bit.ly/3acQZNm

GenNext 2k19 - Techfest

Member of the organizing committee of 'GenNext 2k19' techfest by Velammal College of Engineering & Technology


Attended Workshops on AI and Cloud Computing at NIT, Trichy


1. Nominated for the Above & Beyond Award in 2024 for the outstanding contributions to the project.

2. Nominated for the Spot Award in 2022 for creating a significant impact in the project.

3. Nominated for the Spot Award in 2021 for creating a significant impact in the project.


Generative AI for Everyone (Coursera)

Dec 2023

This course talks about the uses, impacts, and underlying technologies of generative AI, today and in the future. (Generative AI for Everyone Certification)

TensorFlow Developer - Specialization (Deeplearning.ai, Coursera)

June 2019 - Oct 2019 (5 months)

This program teaches applied machine learning skills with TensorFlow by offering 4 courses - Introduction to AI, ML & DL, CNN, NLP, and Time Series. (TensorFlow Developer Certification)

Python for Data Science (Datacamp)

May 2019 - June 2019 (1 month)

A quick dive into data science using Python and learn how to effectively analyze and visualize the data. (Python for Data Science Certification)

Machine Learning (Stanford University, Coursera)

Jan 2019 - Mar 2019 (3 months)

One of the best fundamental courses for Machine Learning instructed by Professor Andrew Ng and offered by Stanford University. (Machine Learning Certification)

Professional Experience

Senior Engineer

March 2023 - Present


  • Played a key role in enabling virtual healthcare services for patients, improving access to medical care.
  • Facilitated patient convenience by implementing a lab kit request feature, allowing patients to take samples using the kit and book virtual appointments with clinicians.
  • Streamlined the virtual appointment booking workflow by developing REST APIs, enhancing the efficiency of the appointment booking process.
  • Developed a PDF generation module that automated the process of generating medical reports, improving accuracy and efficiency in medical reporting.
  • Developed and implemented a risk assessment system for patient lab results and categorized results based on predefined risk levels, enabling more efficient clinical decision-making and improved patient care outcomes.
  • Led the migration of a legacy Java application to a serverless AWS architecture, optimizing for scalability and cost efficiency. Implemented event-driven workflows using DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Lambda, Step Functions, and EventBridge, resulting in improved agility and reduced infrastructure management overhead.
  • Recognized with an Above & Beyond Award for outstanding contributions to the project, creating a significant impact.

Software Engineer

October 2021 - March 2023 (1 year 6 months)


  • Successfully implemented OAuth2 Integration for SMART on FHIR Apps, enhancing application security.
  • Developed and implemented OAuth2 Authorization Code with PCKE workflow for all SMART on FHIR Apps, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of user data.
  • Designed and integrated storage and revocation of consents for users of SMART on FHIR Apps, enhancing user experience and security.
  • Developed and implemented SMART on FHIR Authorization flows that comply with ONC Inferno Standards, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Recognized with a Spot Award for outstanding contributions to the project, creating a significant impact.

Associate Software Engineer

August 2021 - October 2021 (3 months)


  • Designed and implemented an automation framework for end-to-end behavior-driven testing using the Protractor test framework.
  • Contributed to an identity management platform to ensure secure access and authorization for employees, clients, partners, developers, and patients, using Ping Identity.
  • Implemented a custom SSO page that supports both internal and external user authentication, enhancing system security.
  • Developed APIs to facilitate the seamless migration of users from a third-party IDP to our internal directory (PingDirectory)
  • Recognized with a Spot Award for outstanding contributions to the project, creating a significant impact.

Software Developer - Internship

July 2020 - July 2021 (1 Year)


  • Collaborated with a team of 2 developers to create a comprehensive Project Management System.
  • Designed the architecture diagram for the use case to ensure scalability and reliability.
  • Developed a microservice using Serverless (Node.js) and Sequelize.js ORM for seamless application performance.
  • Built REST APIs with Spring Boot to enhance system functionality.
  • Integrated AWS RDS into the application to ensure efficient data storage and management.
  • Conducted Unit Tests using Jest for Node.js and Junit for Spring Boot to improve code quality.
  • Designed UI components for specific modules using Angular 10 for a user-friendly interface.
  • Established a CI/CD pipeline for Serverless using AWS CodeBuild to automate deployment processes.
  • Configured a CloudWatch Event rule that uses AWS SNS to email users about the pipeline build status.

Web Developer - Internship

April 2020 - May 2020 (2 months)

Decodr Technologies

  • Led a team of 5 to develop a website that inspires and empowers the next-generation entrepreneurs and leaders of the world.
  • Developed a PHP Laravel-based live chat function that enables the communication between mentors, investors, startups, and service providers.
  • Incorporated a read receipt feature into the live chat to enhance user experience.
  • Introduced an online status tracker feature to enable users to know when others are available.
  • Added a profile picture uploading feature to the stakeholders' dashboard to enhance user engagement.
  • Conducted significant UI updates to improve the website's usability.


Feel free to reach out to me.


Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

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